The Joy Within

Joy creates prosperity, in any form you can imagine. In this podcast, we’ll explore how to eliminate negative thoughts by tuning-in to The Joy Within, so you can become calm, confident, and happy in our crazy, modern world.

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Monday Nov 11, 2024

I don't know about you, but I've had a crazy couple of weeks, but despite everything that's going on, I don't actually feel stressed.
In today's episode, I share how ONE belief has completely changed my relationship with stress, allowing me to stay calm, centered, and focused, even when life gets a bit hectic.

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024

The Law of Control tells us that we tend to feel happy and empowered to the degree to which we feel we are in control of a situation.
This means the game of empowerment becomes: how do we stay in control, even when life doesn't go according to plan, or chaos appears everywhere around us?
In today's episode, I share the 7 key principles that have helped me to understand and apply this. Through them, I've found that the more I can remain centered where my true point of control really is, the better off I am.

Thursday Oct 31, 2024

I think one of the biggest problems we all face is something I call Unconscious Unhappiness.
It's the fact that most of the time we don't even know whether or not are thoughts are negative. We just let them slip by - hiding just beneath our conscious awareness. These thoughts cause us to feel down, or upset, but so long as we aren't aware of them, we can't take action to change.
In today's episode I discuss what these 5 main types of thought are, and what we can do about it.

Monday Oct 28, 2024

There is a secret to outrageous joy. If you can master just this one skill, you will be able to look beyond your thoughts and experience the inner peace and well-being you deserve.

Thursday Oct 24, 2024

Today I want to share a simple practice I use to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and well-being, and to be able to bring that sense of peace forward with me into each day.
And I say that quite deliberately, because when I was earlier on in my journey, for years, I would often take time to relax, to meditate, and I'd feel peaceful.
But it wasn't until I started this simple practice that my peace would stick with me as I went about my day.

Monday Oct 21, 2024

One of the challenges I've faced on my journey is knowing I "should" be present...but beating myself up whenever I'm not. Today, I share the mental reframe that solved this problem for me.
It's about thinking of "being present" not as an end goal, but as a dance within ourselves. Rather than feeling self-critical whenever we're out of alignment, we can see not being present as an essential part of the dance. It is an opportunity to become present once more.

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024

Have you ever felt excited about something in one moment, only to find that feeling of elation soon crashes down into feeling stressed and overwhelmed?
In today's episode, we dive into the fine line between excitement and overwhelm. We'll cover how you can become aware of what this line is, how it feels for you, and then use a few simple strategies to manage it for yourself - so you can stay excited and in the zone, without risking burning out.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024

Today, I want to encourage you to be really vulnerable with yourself. Confront your biggest point of shame, what you think of as your greatest weakness - and then begin to see that "weakness" as your greatest strength, the very seed that empowers you to become a better version of yourself.

Thursday Aug 29, 2024

In today's episode I talk about the remarkable power of praise and how we can use it to lay the foundation for unlimited happiness and success, in pretty much every area of our lives.
This is something I believe is incredibly important and yet it’s something we so often neglect - and I actually think we often get it backwards. We'll explore how we can flip our mindset about praise, so we can make praise unconditional, and experience a dramatic boost to our mood when we do.

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

Let's face it: some moments are worth more than others.
If we know this, we can use those high-leverage moments to activate a deeper sense of peace within us, and make it much, much easier to come back to that peace throughout the day.
In today's episode, I share how you can use the first few moments of your day to virtually guarantee you'll have a good day, no matter what.

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